1188 Robots & Awards


FIM District Southfield EventIndustrial Design Award sponsored by General MotorsRank 8 with a record of 11-5-0
FIM District Shepherd EventDistrict Event Winner
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi
Rank 3 with a record of 18-0-0
Michigan State Championship - Consumers Energy DivisionDistrict Championship FinalistRank 15 with a record of 13-7-0
World Championship - Archimedes DivisionRank 50 with a record of 4-6-0


FIM District Gibraltar EventJudges' Award Rank 16 with a record of 7-7-0
FIM District Shepherd EventRank 19 with a record of 5-9-0
ROBO-CON FRC Off Season CompetitionRank 12 with a record of 4-7-0


FIM District - Southfield EventRank 15 with a record of 9-7-0
FIM District - Center Line EventQuality Award sponsored by Motorola Solutions FoundationRank 3 with a record of 11-5-0
Michigan State Championship - Consumers Energy DivisionRank 39 with a record of 1-12-1
West Michigan Robotics InvitationalRank 29 with a record of 2-3-0

2016 and Earlier Events

Recycle Rush1188 recycle rush robot2015Troy District
Southfield District
District Winner
24 of 41
23 of 38
Aerial Assist1188 aerial assist robot2014Howell District
Southfield District
36 of 40
23 of 40
Ultimate Accent1188 ultimate accent robot2013Troy District
Waterford District
18 of 40
32 of 40
Rebound Rumble1188_FRC_20122012Troy District
Waterford District
27 of 40
23 of 40
Logo Motion1188_FRC_20112011Galileo Division
Troy District
Kettering District
47 of 88
19 of 40
18 of 38
Breakaway2010Michigan State Championship
Troy District
Ann Arbor District
District Winner
28 of 65
38 of 40
25 of 40
Lunar Lunacy1188 lunar lunacy robot2009Michigan State Championship
Troy District
Lansing District
32 of 64

25 of 40
Rack 'N'Roll1188 rack N roll robot2007Newton Division
Buckeye Regional
Great Lakes Regional
Regional Engineering Inspiration, Underwriters Laboratory Industrial Safety Award59 of 86
40 of 58
49 of 59
Aim High2006Newton Division
Detroit Regional
Great Lakes Regional
Judges Award, Underwriters Laborator Industrial safety Award, Website Award
Eengineering Inspiration Award, Website Award
39 of 86
18 of 33
51 of 63
Triple Play2005Curie Division
Detroit Regional
Great Lakes Regional
Engineering Inspiration Award
68 of 85
29 of 33
54 of 58
FIRST Frenzy2004Curie Division
Buckeye Regional
Great Lakes Regional
Detroit Regional
Imagery Award
Regional Chairman's Award, Autodesk Visualization Award, Imagery Award
Imagery Award
26 of 73
5 of 60
8 of 32
39 of 62
Stack Attack2003West Michigan Regional
Great Lakes Regional
Imagery Award
Rookie All Star Award
20 of 45
16 of 68