CAD Training

Team 1188 uses OnShape for all CAD design work. Before you get into the training you will need to set up your OnShape account. Follow the links found on to ensure that you set up a student account.

Step 1 – Create an Account

Onshape is entirely online – there’s nothing to install. Create your free account here and get up and running in minutes.

Step 2 – Get Orientated

I’m new to CADI’ve used CAD before
New CAD users should start with the Introduction to CAD learning pathway.Get familiar with basic features & capabilities with the Onshape Fundamentals learning pathway.

Step 3 – Connect to MKCAD

FRC Team 1836: The Milkenknights has created an Onshaper library of parts that we use heavily. You will need to connect this library to your Onshape account following the direction on the Chief Delphi thread.

Step 4 – Team 1188 training

You should now have a general understanding of Onshape and CAD. You can now start completing the Team 1188 specific training modules.